Do you have a question about the Real Play City Challenge? Contact us at
1. How does the competition work?
The submitted initiatives will be evaluated by a jury panel who will take into account a balanced selection of proposals with a diverse range of impact, stakeholders, location, scale and contexts.
The Real Play City Challenge will award two winners for each theme.
One winning initiative will be initiated by cities and one initiated by urban practitioners.
This will give us 6 winners in total. Special mentions will be granted to projects that can still be an inspiration to others.
The shortlist of nominated initiatives will be made public at the Placemaking Week Europe in Pontevedra, September 27-29,2022.
The winning initiatives will be made public shortly after, in November 2022.
2. Can I apply to the two categories (cities and urban practitioners)?
No, you can apply as a city if you are part of a local government or municipality and as an urban practitioner if you are an individual, a non-governmental or a private organization.
3. Can I apply to more than one theme?
Yes, you can submit more than one application to the Challenge to one or more themes.
4. Can I submit my application in a language other than english?
All applications have to be submitted in english. However, the quality of the written English will not be taken into consideration and will not affect in any way the selection of the award.
5. Who will be the jury?
We are bringing together a high level jury with expertise specifically directed to the 2022 themes and to placemaking. Two winners of last year's edition will also take part in the jury, thereby benefiting from their expertise on the ground.
6. How much time do I need to commit after been selected?
Winners are obliged to participate in the (or one of the) activities around the public announcement of the winners. Also, winners are encouraged to take part in the two networking sessions that will take place at the beginning of December. Each session will last a maximum of two hours. The total time of commitment after being selected is six hours.
7. Can I nominate a city or urban practitioner?
No, cities and urban practitioners should submit their own applications. However, we highly appreciate that you encourage inspiring initiatives to participate. Please use the materials provided at the website and our socials to reach out to them.
8. Are applications anonymous?
Personal contact data will not be shared with the jury. However, applications are not completely anonymized since the context of the applicant and the stakeholders involved are important criteria to judge the applications. The winning applications will be public and included in the Challenge’s materials and channels for global dissemination.
9. Does the initiative need to be completed?
Submissions will be judged, among other criterias, on their actual impact. Therefore, the initiatives must be completed projects.
10. Does the initiative have to be for children only?
No, this year we are looking for places where play can connect us all. Therefore, it is not necessary for the project to focus only on play for children.
11. Our initiative was a temporary installation and is no longer in use (dismantled), can it still be submitted?
As long as we can still apply the Challenge criteria (e.g. real impact) - yes, it is applicable for the Challenge.
12. Our video uses testimonials that are not in english, if included, can the video be supplemented with subtitles?
Yes - in this case, please apply the subtitles to ensure that the video can be fully understood in English.
13. Can an organization submit more than one application?
Yes - one city/organization/placemaker can submit more than one application.
14. Do I need to be a registered company to apply? Or can I apply as an individual?
You can apply both as a company and as an individual - both are eligible.
15. Can I participate with my thesis work?
Submissions will be judged, among other criterias, on their actual impact. Initiatives must therefore be completed projects. We cannot accept purely conceptual work.